Maurice Foxall says:
I have been a semi-amateur photographer nearly all my life. About 20 years ago, whilst contemplating a rather dull photo of mine on my computer screen, I decided to see what I could do to bring the image to life. The result: a completely new world I named ‘Transformations’.
After years of experimenting, I decided to try printing some of the designs. To my surprise and delight, artist friends of mine loved the results!
A leading teacher of Haute Couture at Central Saint Martin’s, London, saw my work and persuaded me that it would make great scarves. I started to research the technical means of printing onto Silk Chiffon and discovered that the Glasgow School of Art has a specialist department called the Centre for Advanced Techniques (CAT). It is here that all the scarves are printed.
The final touch was to find somebody to hand-roll each scarf edge - a highly skilled job. In the end it was CAT who suggested a wonderful lady in South London. Each scarf takes about an hour to sew.
Nearly all the scarves start life as an ordinary photograph…
For example, ‘Seascape’ started life like this:
Then, after editing, it was ‘transformed’ to look like this:
And finally resized and shaped to become a scarf: